Saturday, October 21, 2006

Day 3 - Mo research is getting worse by day. After 10 minutes waiting then only the main pages is displayed. Finally let me registered on its site.. now Im trying to figure out, how it actually works.. also just setup my own hit counter and about to test it.

Done testing the hit counter, but it has an ugly interface :(
What is wrong with .. I just cannot do anything with it.. even the page take forever to load.. maybe the author/owner of the site need to look at it.. and fix whatever the problem is.

Just finish testing PHP scripts for banner rotation system and getting paid for reading email system.. The concept and idea is good but I need to do a lot customization on the scripts if I ever decided to that for my online business project.

2 more ideas for my online business:
1. Online magazine (havent decide on what type of magazine tho)
2. Online dating site

Hmmm,I need to find more info about before going to bed today.

7:47 am

I havent slept. Been browsing the net and testing a few more scripts.. I found a nicer traffic counter and set it up. It look so cool and yeah I like it..

2 more additional ideas for my online business:
3. Autosurf/Autohit traffic website
4. Download center where I sell ebooks.

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